to reduce the spread of
COVID-19 within the
SAIC Community
Environmental Graphics
Health and Safety
Campaign Design
Digital Design
Art Direction
Nina Andorf
Art Direction, Design,
Project Management
Riley Brady
Visual Identity
Graphic Arts Studio & Service Bureau
Print Production
Gonzalo Escobar
Video Production
Make Ready: The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) developed plans to gradually resume in-person teaching, learning, and residential life for the fall 2020 semester in a staged manner so as to reduce the risk of spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The result of those efforts are represented online and throughout the SAIC campus and are referred to as
Make Ready: A Framework for Returning to SAIC’s Campus.
Make Ready WebsiteThe design of such a large campaign was no easy feat, as it had to keep individuals safe, healthy, and informed even if they were not to come to campus for a long period of time. Obstacles not only included designing and creating safety signage while working remote, but it also necessitated very quick turn around time in order to keep up with changing data and research done to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
This framework is large, detailed, well thought out and involved hundreds of staff and faculty to implement - here you will see the visual communication end of Make Ready.
Although it is not all inclusive, below are examples of the different types of print and digital media that were created to help the community navigate the campus while staying safe, keeping others healthy, and continuing to use each building as it was intended (to keep making art and pursuing an education.)
Additional media created were infographics explaining COVID-19, a safety training keynote and quiz, and a request form (for staff to request additional signage for different areas around the school in a quick and efficient manner.)